

Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) examinations and Class Awards

Grade 1 - 8 & Vocational Graded examinations

Students are not automatically entered for examinations/Class Award. Only the students who are participating in the Grade lessons twice a week or following one Grade lesson and one Vocational lesson during a full school year and have shown consistently good standard will be selected by the teachers/principal. The teachers/principal’s decision is final.

All students who have been selected for an Examination or Class Award must attend (all of the) extra (examination) classes prior to the exam date, to allow for adequate preparation for the day. There will be a fixed fee charged to you for the Examinations and Class Awards, covering RAD registration, examination fee, -extra- preparation classes and other costs associated to the exam. The fee will be determined at the time of application of your child. Pointeworks reserves the right to withdraw any student from taking examinations if he/she fails to keep to regular attendance or not progressing as expected, without refund of examination and term fee.